
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Static Electricity Experiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did an experiment on static electricity. We saw if we could magnetize things and attract them to static electricity. We either had balloon and rub it on our head or we had wool to rub on the comb to create static electricity. We tested lots of different things like brass fasteners, Cheerios, construction paper, cardboard, paper and a lot of other things. Most of the things were attracted!!!!! By: Andrew

1 comment:

  1. Hi 3/4 class;

    This is very interesting. I am curious what did not work and what did work? Were you trying to pick things up or pull towards the comb or balloon? I will guess the cheerio worked with both, but maybe brass fastener was too heavy? Let me know :-). Keep blogging as its fun to read! Mrs. Penner
