
Friday, December 12, 2014

Ian's TWAS

We had an assembly for our tickets and a lot of people got prizes. We set up a Christmas tree and we decorated the Christmas tree and it looks beautiful. For our Christmas concert we sang Christmas rush and this little light of mine. In volleyball yesterday the other team won it was 12 to 19. Ginger  brought an advent calendar and I got the chocolate today. On Tuesday Ms.Huot is retiring and I am going to miss her.

by Ian

Friday, December 5, 2014

Alex' TWAS

Yesterday we  did  word work  in  groups.  Group  6  did  keyboard, group 5  alpharoni  soup,  group 4 plasticine, group 3 alphabet stamps, group 2  bendaroos and group 1 magnetic  letters.  We watched Shiloh it was fun. My favorite part was when Judd Travers yelled like a cowboy woowee that  was funny. I passed  math facts -8. Now I am on -10s and -9s.

by Alex